Guide for Authors

Guides for Authors

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Video guide for authors to register in the quarterly system and submit an article


Guide for Authors

Guide for Authors

All scholars are invited to submit their original, high quality papers relevant to different aspects of human rights studies to the The Journal of modern Research on Administrative Law

Contributing authors are advised to read this document carefully and adhere to the instructions provided below before sending their papers to the Journal office. If these guidelines are not met in the submitted manuscripts, they will not be given the chance to be peer-reviewed in this journal.



1. Submitted papers must be the direct result of the authors’ original research.


2. When a manuscript is submitted to the The Journal of modern Research on Administrative Law the editors and/or section editors first review it to see if it conforms to the basic requirements (e.g., that it fits the mission and scope of the Journal and it is double- blinded and properly formatted) that it is of sufficient quality to merit external review. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements are not sent out for further review, and will be sent back to the author(s) for revision.




3. It is mandatory for all contributing authors to read and follow the Publication Ethics. It is taken for granted that all the authors submitting a manuscript to the The Journal of modern Research on Administrative Law adhere to all ethical regulations provided in “Publication Ethics”.


4. Articles are required to submit their manuscripts only through the The Journal of modern Research on Administrative Law online submission and review web site.


5. Articles will be accepted both in Persian and English. English articles are published in a special Issue.


6.  Full length article submissions should not normally exceed 9000 words. 


7. The following should be included in a manuscript:


A) Persian and English abstracts up to 250 words

B) Five key words in Persian with their English meanings

C) Introduction and the main body of the paper including the related parts and sections, and Conclusion

D) Bibliography and References.


8. All submissions to the The Journal of modern Research on Administrative Law should conform to the APA style (6th ed.):

Important Notes:

  • · The main article must exclude authors’ name.
  • · All the references, including Persian and other languages, must be translated into English and sent within a separate file throughout the system.
  • · The English abstract must be included in the text.
  • · The maximum number of authors is three persons and at least one of them must be a faculty member or a PhD graduate.


Terms and conditions

All Professors, scholars and researchers are invited to submit their scientific research papers related to the topics of this journal (administrative law) by registering in the system at regarding the following points:


A. Forms

1- The article size (including title, abstract, text, conclusion and references) must include between 5000 to 9000 words in A4 format.

2- The right and left margins of the page should be 4.5 cm and the top and bottom margins of the page should be 6 cm.

3- Adjusting the size and font





18 Bold

B Compset


16 (14 &12) Bold

B Compset

Persian Abstract & Keywords


B Nazanin

English Abstract & Keywords


Times New Roman

Main text


B Nazanin

Persian references


B Nazanin

English references


Times New Roman

Persian footnotes


B Nazanin

English footnotes


Times New Roman


4- To segment the text, use topics, clauses, numbers and alphabet letters for Persian articles and numbers and alphabet letters for English articles.

5- The Persian and English abstract must include between 100 to 250 words.

6- Keywords must include between 4 to 7 words and should be mentioned in Persian text in alphabetical order.


B. Article content

1. The article should include the following sections:
· First page: Persian title, abstract and keywords
- Title
- Name of authors
- The scientific rank, e-mail address of authors, the assignment of the responsible author mentioned in the footnote.
- After spacing one line from the names of authors, the Persian abstract should briefly introduce the subject and state the main achievement of the article.
- The abstract should include a maximum of 250 words and the keywords should include between 3 to 5 words.

• Second page: English title, abstract and keywords
- The title and the name of the authors should be listed in English on the second page.
- The scientific rank, e-mail address of authors, the assignment of the responsible author mentioned in the footnote.
- After spacing one line from the names of authors, the Persian abstract should briefly introduce the subject and state the main achievement of the article.
- The abstract should include a maximum of 250 words and the keywords should include between 3 to 5 words.

• Third page: Introduction
- The introduction should address as much as possible the purpose, the problem, the research subject, the necessity and justification of the research topic.

• Next pages: The main text
- The main and sub-headings and the thematic chaptering should follow a logical order and observe numerical order. All content, except for the introduction and the conclusion, should be given under a maximum of 5 chapters.

- The findings and conclusions at the end of the article should contain scientific and logical material regarding the questions and theories presented in the article.

- The references in the text must be cited in a numeral order and mentioned in the footnote according to the number given in the text. Footnotes on each page start at “1”. Referencing method in the text must coincide the same as the references at the end of article.

• Last page: List of references
- References should be cited separately by source type (Persian / foreign languages ​​and books / articles / rules / electronic source / files) and numbered sequentially.
- All references must be written in English, too.

Persian book

Author's last name, author's first name (and next author's last name and first name), book title (Bold & Iranic), translator or proofreader’s name, place of publication: publisher's name and year of publication, page or pages if referenced in the footnotes.


Falsafi, Hedayatullah, International Law of Treaties, Tehran: Farhang-e Nashr-e No, 1383, p.83.

Two or more authors
Author's last name, first name, first name and last name of the second or next author, book title, place of publication: publisher’s name, year of publication, page or pages if referenced in the footnotes.

Demarchili, Mohammad, Ali Hatami and Mohsen Qaraei, Commercial law in the current legal order, First edition, Tehran: Khalije Fars, 1380, p. 183.

English book
Author's last name, author's name first letter: Book Title (Italic). Edition number. Place of publication: publisher’s name, year of publication, page or pages if referenced in the footnotes.


Pollan, M. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. 2nd Ed. New York: Penguin, 2006.

Two or more authors
Author's last name, first name, and first name and last name of the second or next author: Book title. Edition number. Place of publication: publisher’s name, year of publication.

Ward, Geoffrey C., and Ken Burns. The War: An Intimate History, 1941–1945. First Ed. New York: Knopf, 2007.

Persian article
Author's last name, author's first name, article title (bold), journal name, period / year, journal number, pages (referenced page).


Safaei, Seyed Hossein, A Look at the Rule of Sufficiency of Concise Science on Transaction: Interpretation of Article 216 of the Civil Code Based on the Rule of Gharar, Legal Research Journal, Shahid Beheshti University, 1391 Autumn, No. 59, pp. 62-41.


English article
Author's last name, author's name first letter. Title in inverted commas, Magazine Name (Italic), Magazine Number, Year of Publication: Pages if referenced in footnote.


Joshua I, W. “The Market in Plato’s Republic,” Classical Philology 104, 2009: 440.

Persian thesis
Author's last name, first name. Title in converted commas. Thesis rank, University Location: University Name, Year of Publication.

Yarvanian, Amir. "Criminal policy; Fundamentals, Principles of Guidance and Models. PhD Thesis, Tehran: Shahid Beheshti University, 2011


English thesis
Author’s last name, first name. Title in converted commas. Thesis rank, University name, year of publication.

Choi, Mihwa. "Contesting Imaginaires in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty." PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2008.

Electronic references
Author's last name, first name, article title (bold), journal or site name, accessible site address, last visited date.


Lang, Jon, The Protection of Commercial Trade Secrets, 25 European Intellectual Property Review No 462 (October 2003), available at: visited on 08/03/2011).

In order to register an article electronically, you need two files; the first set with the above specifications and the second the authors name and details (Persian or English).

C. Citing method

1- The list of references at the end of the article should be categorized in the following order: books, articles, documents, judgments, etc., and should be listed as follows:

A. Books: Author’s last name, author's first name (release date). Book title (Italic), translator or proofreader’s name, the place of publication, publisher’s name, the volume number.


- Zamani, Seyed Ghasem (1393). International Organizations Law, Tehran, Shahr-e Danesh Legal Studies and Research Institute.

- Crawford, James (2012). Brownlie's Principles of Public International Law, London, Oxford University Press

B. Articles: Author’s last name, first name (release date). The full title of the article in converted commas, journal’s name (Italic), the issue number, pages.

- Sadat Akhavi, Ali and Abbas Khodashenas (1394). “United Nations Human Rights Council and the Situation of Human Rights in Saudi Arabia”, Journal of Public Law Studies, University of Tehran, No. 4, pp. 713-691.

- Donnelly, Jack (1980). "Natural Law and Right in Aquinas' Political Thought", The Western Political Quarterly, vol. 33, pp. 520-535

2. The citing method for articles published in a “proceedings” in the references will be as follows:

Author’s last name, first name (date of publication). Title in converted commas, in: the scientific editors’ first name and last name, the book title (Italic), place of publication, publisher's name, number of pages at.

- Mumtaz, Jamshid (1391). "UNESCO and the Codification and Development of International Law Protecting the Cultural Property" in: Proceedings of the Conference on the Protection of Cultural and Historical Property in International Law, Tehran, Shahr-e Danesh Institute of  Legal Studies and Research, First Edition, pp. 101-95.

- Scovazzi, Tullio (2006). “The Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: Article 303 and the UNESCO Convention”, in: D. Freestone, R. Barnes and D. Ong (eds.), The Law of the Sea Progress and Prospects, Oxford University Press, pp. 120-136. 

3- The titles of books and articles should be written in bold.


Articles permitted to be submitted to the journal

A. Research paper, including applicable, fundamental, theoretical and developmental
B. Case study

D. How to set up a file containing authors' details
Authors' names and details should not be mentioned in the original file of the article, but should be written in a separate file in the following order and sent with the original file of the article through the system:

1- At the top of the page, first the "Persian title" and then the "English title" of the article should be mentioned.

2- The details of the authors should be mentioned (in Persian and English) in the footnote of the first page, respectively: Fist name and last name, academic rank, group name, faculty name, university name, city name, country name.

3- Avoid expressing titles such as engineer, doctor, etc. at the beginning of the name.


4- The corresponding author must be identified. The maximum number of authors is three persons

5- The English equivalents for some essential terms are listed in the table below:


MA. Student in (International Law, Public Law or Human Law)

MA. in (International Law, Public Law or Human Law)

Ph.D. Student in (International Law, Public Law or Human Law)

Ph.D. in (International Law, Public Law or Human Law)


Assistant Prof.

Associate Prof.


Department of Law

Department of Public Law

Department of Public and International Law

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law and Political Science

Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law

Corresponding Author


International Constitutionalism: The Tools of Recognition

1- Abbasali Kadkhodaei, Prof., Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author). Email:

2- Amir Maghami, Ph.D. in International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Email:


5. Journal’s correspondence manager

All correspondence (e-mails and text messages) and telephone calls from the journal is merely done to the corresponding author determined at the time of submission of the article. If the article (based on the referees or the executive secretary opinion) needs to be reviewed or revised, only the corresponding author can view the comments in his / her profile in the system, re-edit the article and finally send through the system.

Note 1: If the article has more than one author, one of them must be designated as the “Corresponding author” at the time of submission in the system. The corresponding author is the author who will be responsible for all correspondence and calls regarding the submitted article.

Note 2: It is necessary for the author to determine a valid mobile phone number and email address in the system. In case of non-compliance with the mentioned matter, he will be responsible for the possible consequences and the journal will not be responsible for any delay in the examining and peer review process or even the rejection of the submitted article.

Note 3: Due to the great preoccupation of respected professors and in order to avoid the possible problems mentioned, it is recommended that scholars who have a joint article with professors, identify themselves as the corresponding author in the system. It is possible to change the “corresponding author” after the peer review process and also when the acceptance certificate is issued. It is emphasized that such a possibility does not at all allow adding a new person or persons as the author / authors of the article.


1- The submitted article should be based on the authors’ studies and research and should include new scientific achievements.

2- Writing practical articles and also referring to related articles have been published in this journal, makes the submitted article a priority in peer review process and in addition, will gain a higher score in the peer review process.

3- The Persian abstract should not be translated conceptually, but literally and the English abstract must include all sentences of the Persian text. The English title, abstract and keywords should be listed on the last page of the original article file. If the Persian abstract is changed and revised, the changes must also be applied in the English abstract.

4- The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the contents, references and opinions expressed in the article, as well as the observance of the rights of the authors and researchers.

5. The corresponding author must guarantee that the article has not been submitted to a conference or other journals or is not being refereeing or published or has not been previously published anywhere.

6- University scholars must send their article accompanying with a faculty member of the university or a PhD graduate.

7- Articles have not been prepared according this guide, will be returned to authors by the journal's expert to make changes.

8. The submitted article will be evaluated by at least two referees. Publishing the article will be subject to its acceptance by both referees and the final approval of the editorial board. If approved, the article will be edited for publication.

9- The editorial board is free to accept, reject and edit or summarize the article at the time of publication.

10. Due to the non-governmental nature of the publication and in order to cover the expenses of the publication, refereeing and printing the article, the journal receives 1,000,000 Rials for the initial peer review and if approved, will receive 3,000,000 more Rials for the printing cost. Receiving money is done through the system.